什么是Essay Hook?怎样做才能高人一等?

hook指的是一篇文章中通常出现在文章的第一句话的开头,这是为了吸引读者的注意,让他们愿意继续阅读。通过使用不同类型的钩子,如问题、参考资料、统计资料、轶事等。Need Help?本站提供最专业的加拿大代写代考服务。

It’s a piece of writing at the beginning of your essay that engages your reading audience. Usually, a hook is a sentence or group of sentences that draw people into reading your essay or research paper.A hook sparks a person’s curiosity. You want whoever reads your essay to wonder what happens next. They are also a way to make an introduction standout.




Interesting Question Hook

Strong Statement/Declaration Hook

Fact/Statistic Hook

Metaphor/ Simile Hook

Story Hook

Description Hook

Quotation Hook.




Interesting Question Hook

An interesting question hook is when you ask a question that relates to your essay or paper. And the only way a person can know the answer to that question is by reading your writing.

People are inquisitive. When we hear or read a question we want to know the answer. If we don’t have an answer then we need to find out. So, when you start your essay with an interesting question hook, this signals to your readers that if they keep reading you’ll give them the answer.


Here’s an example of an interesting question hook on the topic of succeeding in college:

What is the difference between successful college students and unsuccessful college students?

The goal of this essay hook is to make you want to learn what students who succeed in college do, and what are college students who don’t succeed in college doing wrong.

The Strong Statement/Declaration Hook

A strong statement hook is a sentence that makes an assertive claim about your topic. It connects to the thesis statement and shows the importance of your essay or paper.

A strong statement is a great technique because it doesn’t matter if your reader agrees or disagrees with your statement. They will want to see how you support your statement.


This is an example of a strong statement for the topic of online college classes:

Online college classes are cheaper and more effective than in-person college classes.

This statement either supports your point of view about online classes, or it makes you want to argue against it. Either way, you are curious about what the writer says.

The Fact/ Statistic Hook

Facts and statistics hook your reader because they give real information about a topic. You can impress your reader with your knowledge and evidence from the very beginning of your essay. But, you need to include facts that are accurate, interesting and reliable. Evaluate your information and make sure it comes from a credible source.


Here’s an example of a factual hook about an essay on gun ownership in the United States.

Almost two-thirds of American adults at some point in their life lived in a home with at least one gun.

The Metaphor / Simile Hook

The metaphor/simile hook engages your readers because it makes them think about a topic in a different way. Your audience wonders what you mean and how you compare a topic to something that seems unconnected.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares one thing to another, but these two things seem unrelated. An example of a metaphor is: Her boyfriend is a rat.


The boyfriend is not really a rat, but he behaves like one.

A simile is like a metaphor. Both compare two unrelated things to each other, but a simile uses the words like or as to connect them. A simile is less strong than a comparison in a metaphor. For example: Writing a research paper is like running a marathon when it’s 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your essay topic is on business blogging you could write the metaphor hook:

A business blog is a magnet pulling clients to a company.

Or the simile hook:

A business blog is like a magnet that pulls clients to a company.

The Story Hook

This is a hook where you begin with a short story or episode that relates to your topic.

Readers love stories, especially a well-written story that is memorable. The key to a great story hook is making sure the story directly connects to your essay or paper topic.

Your story can be personal or someone else’s story.


Here’s an example of a story hook for an essay about the differences between British and American English.

I got off the train and pulled my luggage behind me. A cab pulled up to the curb, and the driver got out. He lifted my luggage and said, “Miss, I’m just going to put your stuff in the boot.” I didn’t know what he meant until I saw him open the car’s trunk. Then I realized the boot means car trunk. I got in the cab, wondering how many other words would be different in England.

The Description Hook

This is a hook where a vivid description of a scene draws your readers into your writing. A good description hook will make your reader want to know what comes next in your writing. It’s most popular in narrative essays, but you can use a description hook with any type of writing (yes even academic papers). But, like the story hook ask yourself, “Will this description hook be acceptable in this course?”


Here’s an example of a description hook for a personal narrative essay about saving a dog:

The dog howled in pain and limped along the side of the road. His leg was cut and blood streamed down his leg.

The Quotation Hook

This is a hook where you begin your essay with a quotation. The quotation could be from a famous person, but it doesn’t have to be. You can quote anyone if it connects to what you’re writing about.

If you write an essay on the topic of education you could begin with: Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”


If you want to use a quotation for a hook, make sure you quote the words exactly. Choose quotations where the words are striking, powerful, and/ or memorable.




正如写作的主体内容, hooksentences也需要目标明确。找出读者是谁,才能运用技巧,为自己写出有趣的 hook。


一篇很好的有吸引力的 hooksentences必须服务于你的写作,并且在写作时要清楚地理解写作的目的。假如把这篇文章写成一篇社会议论文,它就能通过罗列一个惊人的事实来加强论证的说服性。若要写爱情故事,则可在开头选择写一段甜蜜浪漫的轶事。假如是一篇有关严格禁止的科学或生物化学的文章,引用一个惊人的数据会更有吸引力。




当您清楚了您的目标读者、您的写作目的和 hook的类型之后,就可以开始打磨您的 hook了。优秀的 hooksentence常常需要反复思考,并尽可能地精炼。Hook正是我们文章中画龙点睛的地方,所以,请确保将重点放在改进您的 hook sentence方面。而在北美,艾赛的写作可以说是贯穿着学生整个学术生涯的,因此,掌握正确的写作方法就成为学生必备的技能之一。对学生来说,如果能够学会一个规范的写作模式,通过练习,经过时间的积累,艾莎写起来自然会得心应手。

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