
出国留学之后,国外院校对对中国学生的学术写作、批判性阅读和分析能力等等都有更高的要求,英文论文的写作难度也大大提高,很多同学在写作中常常会犯逻辑错误,导致论文得分很低。这里小编介绍下中国学生在论文写作中经常犯的九个逻辑谬误。 读完这篇文章之后,你应该可以达到以下效果:

  • 不要自己犯这样的逻辑错误
  • 能够识别各种逻辑错误
  • 可以攻击每一个逻辑错误

在你了解了这些典型的逻辑错误之后,你应该在以后的Essay、作业、paper等学术英英语论文中消除这些逻辑错误。 现在让我们来看看这些逻辑错误。


Non sequitur 是意大利语,意思是“没有前提的推理”。


I’ve lived in this town a long time—why, my grandfather was the first mayor—so I’m against putting fluoride in the drinking water.

这句话里面的“fluoride” 这个词现在在美国是个有争议的话题,政府给自来水加“氟”,有人支持有人反对。为什么在这里这个观点就无效? 因为证据(Evidence:I’ve lived in this town a long time)不足以支持这个观点so I’m against putting fluoride in the drinking water),conclusion根本无法follow证据?


No wonder drug abuse is out of control. Look at how the courts have hobbled police officers.

Drug abuse药物滥用在任何一个国家都是一个严重的问题,泛滥的原因有很多,比如法律不完善,社会意识薄弱,司法不给力等等,上面这句话是有问题的,因为作者把这么复杂的问题以简单的理由归咎于法院。 过度简化的解决方案通常源自逻辑错误,例如过度简化的解决方案。 让我们看看为什么这句话有问题。

All these teenage kids that get in trouble with the law—why, they ought to put them in work camps. That would straighten them out!

Hasty generalization:不严谨的泛论,这是由于证据不足而导致的逻辑错误。

Men aren’t sensitive enough to be day-care providers. Women are too emotional to fight in combat.

聪明的人都能看出来,那么如何避免这样的错误呢? 那就是写文章在措辞的时候不要太绝对, 你应该加上“most” “generally speaking” “in most cases”这类词,让你可以有台阶下。

Either/or reasoning:非此即彼的推理谬误,即一种情况只有两个极端或可能性,或者一个问题只有两种解决方案,

例如 :

What’s to be done about the trade imbalance with Asia? Either we ban all Asian imports, or American industry will collapse. 显然,这个逻辑错误是上面提到的第二点的极端。 如果你仔细想想,这句话的逻辑问题是什么?

Argument from doubtful or unidentified authority:你所引用的证据不符合来源可靠原则。

Uncle Oswald says that we ought to imprison all sex offenders for life. According to reliable sources, my opponent is lying.

这句话的逻辑问题是什么?这里的reliable sources不见得reliable,你需要明确说明。

Argument ad hominem:意为“to the man”,意思是你的论点不是对对方论点的攻击,而是对对方的人身攻击。


Mayor Burns is divorced and estranged from his family. How can we listen to his pleas for a city nursing home?

这句话的问题出在说话者的假设是有问题的,这里的假设是什么(Mayor Burns’ personal life must have a negative effect on his professional life. 所以这个assumption肯定是有问题的。)

Begging the question:用观点去论证观点。

这也是很多中国学生经常犯的一个逻辑问题, 让我们看两个例子:

Dogs are a menace to people because they are dangerous.

I am in college because that is the right thing to do. Going to college is the right thing to do because it is expected of me.


Post hoc, ergo propter hoc :来自拉丁语,意为““after this, therefore because of this”, 即事件B发生在事件A之后,所以事件B是由事件A引起的,


Ever since the city suspended height restrictions on skyscrapers, the city budget has been balanced.

有什么问题? 显然,城市预算平衡的原因不仅是因为高度限制的暂停,还有各种因素。

False analogy:在辩论中,人们认为 A 和 B 之间存在相似之处,因此可以用 A 发生的事情来解释 B 发生的事情,这就是analogy辩论。但是,如果 A 和 B 之间没有相似之处,就会出现 “False analogy”这样的逻辑错误,


The model of the solar system is similar to that of an atom, with planets orbiting the sun like electrons orbiting the nucleus. Electrons can jump from orbit to orbit; so we should study ancient records for sightings of planets jumping from orbit to orbit.


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