还在找Essay conclusion模板?一些英语写作Conclusion万能词

Conclusions很重要。是的,它们在论文中甚至更重要。Essay中一篇很差的论文结论可能会让tutor问:“为什么要这样结束这篇论文?”为了避免这样的情况发生,加拿大代写整理了15个(更好的)concluding transitions之一,可以有效地帮助各位同学写好conclusion部分

Why Concluding Transitions Matter

您是否曾经读过同学的草稿(例如,可能在英语课上的peer editing过程中),在读到论文的末尾时,想知道:“等等。我错过了什么?结束了吗?”

如果您发现自己处在这种情况下,或者有人对您的草稿说过这句话,那么很可能这篇文章缺少明确的结论concluding transition。


您不想以75 mph的速度驰骋时,而不会发出转弯的警告,对吗?而且,您不希望读者轻描淡写却突然停止而没有任何迹象表明您的论文即将结束。



What’s Wrong With “In Conclusion”?

当您接近论文的结尾时,可能会轻易使用“in conclusion”并认为是好的。

尽管这些词确实可以让您的观众知道它们已经到达您论文的结尾,但“in conclusion”是简单而无聊的。这几乎是一个“Dead End”标志。


那么,在没有写“in conclusion”的情况下,您如何准确地从论文正文平稳过渡到结论段落呢?

这里有15个更好的concluding transitions,可以在您的下一篇文章中进行尝试。

15 (Better) Concluding Transitions,请记住,具体的过渡通常适用于各种papers和essays。


Concluding transitions for argumentative/persuasive essays

Argumentative essay 或者persuasive essay的目的是说服读者。

因此,您将需要使用一个强调您的论点的concluding transition ,并进一步尝试诱使读者相信您的主张的有效性。


On the whole

On the whole, the bookstore offers a suitable selection of used textbooks.

In essence

In essence, it is the lack of resources that has created such a dire situation at the shelter.


Ultimately, wind energy is the planet’s best hope for reducing dependency on fossil fuels and reducing climate change.


Thus, young teens who excessively use social media are at a greater risk of developing a poor self-image.


这使您可以重新陈述thesis statement,而不必仅仅重写陈述或更改论文中的一些单词。

Concluding transitions for narrative essays

Narrative essay都是关于讲故事的。您的目标是添加大量描述并保持读者对您故事的兴趣。

在叙事中,结论通常表示您所学的道德或教训,因此请使用concluding transition来表示叙事的结束和对所学课程的总结。

Check out these four examples for inspiration:


Finally, I realized that my so-called friends were frenemies, rather than true friends.

In the long run

In the long run, having to retake chemistry helped me understand how crucial it is to study for exams.

All things considered

All things considered, the trip to Cancun turned out to be an amazing vacation.

In the end

In the end, it was my dog, Diesel, who helped me through the darkest days.

同样,请注意这些concluding transition既预示着故事叙事部分的结束,又预示着对道德的简短讨论。

Concluding transitions for analytical essays

当您撰写analytical essay时,您正在分析的东西通常是一篇文章或一篇文献(例如literary analysis)。


analytical essay的结论通常总结了分析的重点。因此,您将使用最后的过渡从主要构想过渡到分析的总结。


In the final analysis

In the final analysis, John Proctor perfectly illustrates that appearances can be deceiving.

To summarize

To summarize, Amari’s use of interviews and statistical data creates a solid overview of people’s feelings about the presidential candidates.

In brief

In brief, the core thesis of The Great Gatsby is that the American Dream is actually unattainable for the average American.

这些concluding transitions中的每一个都标志着分析的结束和结论的开始,从而总结了本文的分析重点。(请记住,这些类型的结论转换是重述thesis statement的绝佳方法,而无需重复论文的确切字眼。)

Concluding transitions for compare and contrast essays

不难发现compare and contrast essay的目的是比较和/或对比人,地方,事物和/或想法。

有意义的是,在文章结尾时,您不仅要提醒读者您在进行比较和对比的含义,而且要提醒您根据比较得出的结论。(您也可以使用concluding transition来强调结论的重要性。)

Here are three concluding transition examples:

Given these points

Given these points, it is clear that the sushi at Hello Sushi is superior to the sushi at China Gardens.

In either case

In either case, students would benefit from relief from the burden of student loans.


Undoubtedly, though both Ofglen and Offred rebel against their oppressors, it is Ofglen who is the stronger character and ultimately more dedicated to her cause.

在上面的示例中,concluding transition突出显示了正在比较的两个主题,同时也预示了论文的结尾并强调了论文的结论(或重点)。

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