
全文,包括正文、结语、读者对整个 essay的印象等,都直接涉及到 essay的开头。事实上,这不是一件很容易被忽略的事情,它需要你尽全力去做。你根本不需要在写 essay的时候,完全不知道要用什么句子开头,或者 Essay如何开始?这篇文章就是加拿大代写小编给你介绍一些写 essay开头部分的有用技巧。

伊索的第一个章节的目的是介绍某篇论文的问题,指出这门学科的要点,并起到指导作用。在 Essay的开头,向读者解释了 essay的重点,即它的主题,并提供了您为 essay设计的结构的特定背景。举例来说,学生必须写 essay的题目是“First Amendment guarantees a freedom of speech”,这个题目的结构可以围绕 First Amendment的创作史,也可以围绕关于为什么国旗被烧掉的故事。

必须记住的是, Essay的开头部分应该帮助读者更深入地理解这个题目的要点。无论外国学生采用何种写作策略,第一段应该清楚地阐述 essay的主题,阅读了 essay的开头部分之后,读者已经明白了 essay的“什么”和“为什么”,也就是说,你的主题和你的论文写作目标。那么, Essay的开头是怎样写的?事实上,写作方法有很多种:你可以引用令人惊讶的事实和数据,提出与主题相关的引语,或者用一段戏言来写开头。不管您如何选择, essay的开始部分都应该以论文的核心问题为基础。从此以后,学生们要记住这些词:直白!教师想了解您对大学公祭仪式的看法,千万不要胡扯,最好从世界各地的宗教介绍开始写。

可以使用 “问题——答案” 的方式来进行Essay开头写作,在这情况下有两种重要方式:


第二,提出问题后立即提供一个答案,接下来举一些例子为了支持这个答案。下面向大家分享Harvard Writing Center提供的例子:

What does the building of Memorial Hall represent, and why the fallen soldiers are so important to the alumni who constructed it? It seems, that part of the answer, is that Memorial Hall is an educational tool created by the Harvard community of the 1870s, and it purpose is to influence the future generations by shaping their memory of their times.


1)将题目中的key words列出来,一定将它们弄清楚;

2)接下来把几个key words代替为其近义;


Some people say that little waste from homes gets recycled. A lot of people claim that the he only solution is to enforce recycling practice by introducing a mandatory recycling law. Do you agree that law enforcement is an effective solution of the waste problem? To what extent?

1)- little waste gets recycled (几乎没有废物被回收);

– the only solution is to introduce a mandatory recycling law (唯一的解决方案是公布强制性的回收法);
– law enforcement is an effective solution? (执法是有效的解决方案吗?)

2)- people don’t realize that recycling is important;

– recycling should be required by law.

3) People won’t realize that recycling their waste is important unless it becomes required by law.



Some people believe that application essay is the best way for colleges to learn more information about candidate. Others would disagree and claim that application essays are cliché and lack cnadidate’s personality. Analyze both opinions and explain your views.

本题:application essays;

第一个观点:application essay is the best way to learn more information about a candidate;

第二个观点:application essay can’t tell anything about a candidate, as it lacks personality;

必须完成的任务:analyze both opinions;

怎么干:explain your views.


Application essay is the best way for colleges to learn more information about candidate’s personality, because in it candidate has to show his or her personal qualities, career aspirations, and life goals.

一定要注意题目中的“目标”与“方式”。在解析题目的过程中,“目标”与“方式” 布置是一个专业并特别简单的技巧:只要改变顺序。

目标——to learn more information about candidate;

方法——application essay (即全部基于申请论文)。


Colleges usually count on application essays to learn more information about candidate’s personality, career aspirations and life goals. It also gives college board a chance to hear the candidate’s personal voice.

最后,essay开头段还包含着所谓 “印象分”:对于一位资深的教授来说,Essay开头写得越精彩,您给他留下的印象越深刻。所以大家并不要害怕使用幽默感或神秘、有意思或非凡的故事,为了引起教授继续读您essay的兴趣。

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